Skincare 101

The Bare Bar

The Bare Bar

When clients enter our licensed esthetician’s room, one of the questions she asks them is: ‘’What would you like to w... more

Can I Apply Makeup After I've Exfoliated?

Can I Apply Makeup After I've Exfoliated?

Well, the answer isn't as cut and dry as you'd think, but we've got an answer for you to consider.. more

Memo from Our Co-Founder

Memo from Our Co-Founder

Our brand is our symbol of trust:, it’s our mark, it’s our legacy. But it is not one-sided. Our supporters, collabora... more

We Got That Mangosteen

We Got That Mangosteen

Known as the Unicorn of Fruits, this superfood is great for your stomach, improves mobility, prevents inflammation, i... more

Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

Integrity. Altruism. Fun. Diversity. Clarity. Just 5 ways in which we're raising the bar as the new kids on the block... more